Adult Fellowship
United Methodist Men
The United Methodist Men (UMM) is a fellowship of men who seek to know Christ, are willing to help others and to do God's will.
The UMM at St. Andrews Parish UMC is active in all church activities and sponsors youth participation in Salkehatchie Summer Service through annual fundraisers. Meetings are held at the church on the second Monday of each month, and men of all ages are encouraged to attend.
United Women in Faith
The United Women in Faith (UWF) at St. Andrews Parish UMC is a wonderful group of caring women. The group is open to all women and offers opportunities for spiritual growth, fellowship and community service. Members of the UWF seek to know God and participate in both local and global missions.
The UWF group hosts several fundraisers each year including a Soup Sale, Lenton Luncheon and Bake Sales. Proceeds support the Bethlehem Centers of Columbia and Spartanburg, the Killingsworth Home in Columbia, the Wallace Family Life Center in Bennettsville and Rural Mission in Johns Island. The UWF also contributes to Vacation Bible School, Crisis Ministry, Red Bird Mission, Marion Mission Storehouse and many more. UWF scholarships are also awarded to deserving students who are enrolled in continuing education. Click HERE for the scholarship application.
Two circles meet each month, excluding July and August. The Joy Circle meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 10:00 AM, and the Genesis Circle meets on the second Monday evening at 7:00 PM.