Sunday, May 10th, 2020

A few things for today. First, today is Mother’s Day, so Happy Mother’s Day to all the women in the life of our church and beyond. Thank you for all the ways you serve and care for the world around you. As is our tradition, please remember Epworth Children’s Home today. You can give to them through our online giving button on our site or you can visit their site by clicking here.

Lastly, for our May 10th worship experience, click here.

Service Opportunity

One of our church members works for CCSD school nursing group.  They had a meeting recently with the head of nursing and they are looking for volunteers to make cloth face masks. Nursing services is hoping to supply facemasks for every employee in the school district. If anyone is interested in making masks to donate to the school district, email the church at and we can get your more information. This would be a great way in which to help out our community.

Sunday, April 19th, 2020

Today is traditionally a low Sunday in the life of the church as we come down off the high of Easter Sunday from the previous week. This year it does not necessarily have to be that way. We are in uncharted territory. As we have said before, while we continue to worship apart from one another, we give thanks for the gift of technology that logistically connects us and for the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit that connects us in ways we cannot even imagine. For our April 19th worship experience, click here.