A Faith-Filled Youth Retreat to Asbury Hills

This post was contributed by Cindy Curtis, Director of Youth Ministries. A recap of the Asbury Hills retreat will also be available in the December edition of our monthly newsletter, The Parish Post. 

From the fall leaves to the beautiful lodge, our Faith-Filled Retreat to Asbury Hills offered more than any of us expected. Having Pastor Megan and the North Hope Youth along with Pastor Brad and our youth made for a great weekend.

We arrived late Friday evening to the sound of the babbling creek and the chill in the air. As we settled into our home for the weekend, we played games, explored and listened to a story before bedtime as we began to embrace our Holy Spirit Power.

Saturday was filled with team building activities on the low ropes course, hiking to the mountain chapel, and free time. We participated in stations centered on the Holy Spirit and had s’mores by the fire pit.

Sunday we worshiped together with song and communion before we departed for home.

Claim Your Super Power

We learned a lot over the course of a weekend about how each of us is empowered by the Holy Spirit to do extraordinary things. Here are a few of our important take aways...

  1. We are in community as Christians with all of our many parts making a supportive whole.
  2. Jesus promised us the Holy Spirit to serve as our advocate, our friend, our wise counselor, living water, and eternal flame.
  3. The Holy Spirit has given each of us gifts. We may not know what they are yet. They come to us naturally with little effort, and we will use them to build God’s kingdom.

Get Involved 

Our youth group is open to teens of all ages, and there are many ways in which church/community members can get involved. Please email Cindy to learn more about upcoming activities and volunteer opportunities.