Relay For Life

Relay For Life of Charleston County will be hosting their annual event Friday, May 5th at TD Arena downtown. The relay will kick off at 6pm and continue through the night until 6am on the 6th.

Fundraising Efforts

We are beyond thrilled to announce that the St. Andrews Parish UMC team has raised more than $2,000 for this year's relay! Our annual Chili Cook-Off brought in a little over $300. Thank you to all who came, cooked and ate. A special congratulations goes out to first-runner up Jaime Johnson and proud victor Christine Freeman! We are already looking forward to next year's friendly competition and fierce fundraising.


But before the sun sets on this year's fundraising, please know that there is still time to contribute. A bake sale is scheduled for April 9th, and volunteers can sign up on the bulletin board outside the church office. All proceeds will benefit Relay For Life.

Guest Speakers & Special Performances

We are also pleased to announce that Pastor Brad will deliver this year's invocation, and our very own Jeremiah Treadway will be speaking at the Survivor's Dinner. The SAPUMC Praise Band will also perform at this year's event.

Pleas join the fight against cancer on May 5th! Follow Relay For Life on Facebook to learn more, and visit to sign up for the St. Andrews Parish UMC team.