UMW Accepting Scholarship Applications

SAPUMC United Methodist Women Charleston, SC

The SAPUMC chapter of the United Methodist Women is now accepting scholarship applications. UMW Scholarships are available to individuals who are actively pursuing post-secondary education. Interested parties should complete an application and submit it to Letha Henry by April 1, 2018.

Applicants must be members of Saint Andrews Parish United Methodist Church or an immediate family member (spouse, son, daughter or qualified dependent) of a congregation member. Applicants can be graduating seniors or high school graduates who have already been accepted into a program of further study. Students who are currently enrolled in an accredited program such as a 4-year bachelors, 2-year associates, trade certification or Master's program may also qualify. Click here to view detailed scholarship criteria. 

Click to view an editable application. Responses may be handwritten or typed. Please be sure to sign the application prior to submission. Applications may be hand delivered or emailed to Letha Henry. To request Letha's email address, please contact the church office.