Friday, March 20th, 2020

Hello Church,

We are going to try and keep you up to date about everything related to the church concerning the COVID 19 virus by creating a blog. Check here for updates and we will attempt to direct our social media sites to this page. As of now, all activities at the church have been suspended until the end of March. When it is appropriate and safe, we will let you know when we can resume meeting together. For this Sunday, March 22nd, Pastor Megan and I will be preparing a message that will be posted on our YouTube Channel. There you will be able to find other videos that we are posting as well.

Thank you to all who have volunteered to help those who are in need at this time. We continue to check in with folks to make sure folks are taken care of, trying to meet whatever needs that may exist. Just as a reminder, if you are able to go out, keep a safe distance from other, wash and sanitize your hands, and try to make sure that you have enough food and medicine to last for 2 weeks.

Lastly, we know it has been a very stress-filled week. It feels like we have been doing this for a long time, but it has only been a few days. Try to take time to breathe deeply. Spend some time giving thanks for something, anything really because gratitude is helpful to the both mind, body, and spirit. And offer a prayer of protection for all of those who are on the front lines fitting this deadly virus. Much more to come soon.

Until then, blessings and peace,

Pastor Brad