Monday, April 6th, 2020

Hello Friends,

Holy Week has begun. Despite the physical distancing that needs to take place during this time, we are still planning several Holy Week activities for you to participate in from the comfort of your home. On Thursday, April 9th, Megan and I will be hosting a Love Feast via Zoom, a conferencing platform that will allow us to gather online to celebrate Maundy Thursday through a Love Feast or Agape Meal. The only thing you need will be some bread and crackers and a drink, preferable water, juice, or wine. Oh, and your device of course (computer/laptop/tablet/phone). An email will come out Thursday and will be posted on this site.

Friday Megan and I will be offering some meditations on the 7 Last Words of Christ from the Cross. We will post that on our YouTube channel beginning Friday afternoon. Also on Friday we will start our Digital Prayer Vigil. The link to that is here and also on our home page. We invite you to sign up to spend an hour in prayer. We are starting it this year at 3pm, the time in which Mark’s Gospel reports Jesus’ death. The Vigil will conclude at Sunrise on Easter Sunday. Please consider signing up and encourage anyone you know who might be interested to sign up as well. We will be sending out some suggestions for how to spend your hour in prayer during the Vigil.

On Easter Sunday we will be posting our Easter Worship Experience at 7am. Feel free to watch that either at 7am or during your normal worship hour of 8:45am or 11:15am.

Lastly, if you are interested in helping out with that video, please consider filming yourself using your phone saying, “Christ is Risen…He is Risen Indeed!” pausing between the two phrases. Email or Text me your video when you do it. We are going to be putting a compilation together to start our worship experience.

Blessings on the beginning of this, our most Holy of Weeks. Grace and Peace,

Pastor Brad

Click for the video update.