FAN: Church Health Initiatives

Did you miss the FAN Kick-Off Dinner? Well there's no time like the present to learn more about FAN (Faith Activity Nutrition) initiatives at St. Andrews Parish UMC!

FAN is a faith-based program that is inspiring churches like ours to create healthier communities. As part of this program, we're encouraging church members to...

  • Become physically active at a moderate intensity (e.g., brisk walking) for at least 150 minutes per week
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables (aim for 2 cups of fruit and 3+ cups of vegetables each day)
  • Eat more whole grain foods (e.g., whole wheat pasta and breads, brown rice, etc.)
  • Eat less fat (avoid saturated and trans fats)
  • Eat less salt/sodium

Several of our Sunday school classrooms and ministry groups have adopted healthy snack/meal options, and our Thumbs Up exercise group has resumed. Thumbs Up sessions are the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Thursday of each month at 1:30pm.

If you have questions about FAN or ideas about how we can adopt healthier habits as a congregation, please contact the FAN Committee...

Healthy Recipes

The FAN Committee will be sharing tips and healthy recipes in church bulletins, newsletters and on one of our hallway bulletin boards. We will attempt to publish all recipes online as well. The FAN Kick-Off Dinner featured baked chicken, homemade barbecue sauce, cornbread and green bean casserole. Click below for printable recipes!

Barbecue Sauce

Green Bean Casserole

Moist Cornbread

Bon appetite, and stay tuned for more recipes!