Preparing for Hurricane Irma

The following message went out via email earlier this evening. If you have questions or would like to receive updates from the church office, please email  


After consulting with a few of our leaders, we have decided to cancel all church activities starting Friday, September 8th through Tuesday, September 12th. This includes Sunday morning worship, BOTH SERVICES, in order to give you enough time to evacuate ahead of Hurricane Irma. This storm seems to be dangerous for Charleston with an ever changing path. It is anticipated that evacuation orders will begin being issued tomorrow, at which time you are encouraged to leave. Please consider going to family or friends who live further inland in order to be safe. I have been in touch with a few pastors in the Upstate who have church members willing to host their Methodist friends from Charleston. Please let me know if I can help you arrange for a place to stay in the upstate as it seems like the hotels are all booking up very quickly. After the storm passes, we will let you know when we will resume office hours and normal activities at the church.

Lastly, a group will be gathering tomorrow, Friday, September 8th at 9am to prepare our space for the storm to come. We would love to have your help if you are willing and able.

Please take care, be safe, and pray that all would remain safe in this storm.

Blessings and Peace,

Pastor Brad