Sermon Topics

The Narrative Lectionary

On Sunday the 9th, the entirety of St. Andrews Parish will begin using a new curriculum called The Narrative Lectionary. The curriculum will guide sermons, music selections and Sunday school lessons. Each week, anyone attending worship service will also leave with a bulletin insert entitled “Sharing God’s Story @ Home” which will offer an outline for a devotional time, complete with a daily reading. We will attempt to add post inserts here (see below) for those who cannot attend on Sunday

Devotional Guides: Sharing God's Story @ Home

Check back frequently. We will add a new guide each week.


Faith in Films


Family movie night is returning to St. Andrews Parish United Methodist Church! Throughout the month of July, a movie will air each Friday at 7:00pm in the sanctuary. Movie nights are free admission and open to the public, so be sure to bring a friend!

Friday, July 7th

Friday, July 14th

Friday, July 21st
Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Friday, July 28th
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

Sunday morning sermons will relate to themes from each movie. Pastor Brad will be preaching the Faith in Films sermon series in both worship services, and the series will conclude July 30th.

Contemporary Worship Service
Sundays, 8:45am

Traditional Worship Service
Sundays, 11:15am

We hope you can join us!


The Narrow Way

This post was contributed by Pastor Brad and can also be found in the "Pastor's Postings" section of this month's newsletter.  

"Narrow Way" by David Hayward

"Narrow Way" by David Hayward

Several months ago, I stumbled upon a piece of art by a cartoonist named David Hayward called "Narrow Way." He wanted to convey the difficult struggle of following Jesus in the world today. I found the piece interesting and thought provoking.

As I sat down to plan our Lenten Worship series, I was drawn back to this image. I decided to use the lectionary texts, a guide that many churches all over the world use in their worship services, to create a series called "The Narrow Way: Finding freedom from that which enslaves us." Each week we will use scripture stories to discuss the many ways in which we struggle to follow the Gospel news of Jesus Christ.        

Lent begins on March 1st on a day we call Ash Wednesday. It is the day in which we impose ashes on our foreheads. Historically, the ashes are used from the palm branches from the year before when we celebrated Palm Sunday. As a reminder, that is the day the crowd cheered as Jesus came down from the Mount of Olives into the city of Jerusalem. A few days later, nearly the same crowd shouted "Crucify Him!" What a fickle group of people we can be. So when the palm branches are burned and the ashes are placed on our forehead, it is an act of remembrance in which we participate. I hope that you will consider starting your Lenten journey with ashes, either imposed between 7am and 9am in our parking lot or later at 7pm during our Ash Wednesday service. I hope that as we begin and continue through Lent, we can see all the ways in which we are called to grow in our relationship with God through Jesus Christ and with each other.