Sunday School

The Narrative Lectionary

On Sunday the 9th, the entirety of St. Andrews Parish will begin using a new curriculum called The Narrative Lectionary. The curriculum will guide sermons, music selections and Sunday school lessons. Each week, anyone attending worship service will also leave with a bulletin insert entitled “Sharing God’s Story @ Home” which will offer an outline for a devotional time, complete with a daily reading. We will attempt to add post inserts here (see below) for those who cannot attend on Sunday

Devotional Guides: Sharing God's Story @ Home

Check back frequently. We will add a new guide each week.


Get to Know You Class

Are you new to St. Andrews Parish UMC, or do you know someone who is interested in learning more about the United Methodist Church?

Pastor Brad is hosting a special class for guests and new members. The class will explore the history of the United Methodist Church and the theology of Methodism as well as various programs and ministries at St. Andrews Parish UMC.

This class will meet on three occasions during Sunday school (10:00am) in room B4 (next to the Goodman Room).

Get to Know You Class
Sundays at 10:00am
May 7th, 14th & 21st

We hope that this class will be a fun way to get to know one another, and we look forward to seeing you there!