
RiverDogs Game

Have you signed up for this Sunday's RiverDogs game? As of this morning, the church has 42 RSVPs and 28 tickets left. Please email Cindy Curtis to claim some...

The game will be this Sunday, August 20th at 5:05pm. Tickets are $7, gates open at 4:00pm, and parking is free. We will meet downtown at The Joe, and Cindy Curtis will distribute tickets near will call.

Please note that our tickets are behind the first base line (we're hoping for shade) and not in general admission. If you have children who take advantage of free admission through the Kids Club or if you purchase general admission at the gate, you may not be seated with the rest of the group.

Payment for tickets can be made to the church. Cindy will collect checks between services this Sunday, and payments can be dropped into the collection plate as well. Please clearly mark payments (envelope and/or check memo line) as "RiverDogs Tickets."

Our last trip to The Joe was tons of fun, and we look forward to continuing the tradition! 

Faith in Films


Family movie night is returning to St. Andrews Parish United Methodist Church! Throughout the month of July, a movie will air each Friday at 7:00pm in the sanctuary. Movie nights are free admission and open to the public, so be sure to bring a friend!

Friday, July 7th

Friday, July 14th

Friday, July 21st
Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Friday, July 28th
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

Sunday morning sermons will relate to themes from each movie. Pastor Brad will be preaching the Faith in Films sermon series in both worship services, and the series will conclude July 30th.

Contemporary Worship Service
Sundays, 8:45am

Traditional Worship Service
Sundays, 11:15am

We hope you can join us!


Begin to Ring Handbell Clinic


Our Music Director, Lavinia Parker, is hosting a handbell clinic!

Begin to Ring Handbell Clinic
June 19th, 21st & 23rd

Anyone age 12 or older is welcome to participate. Please feel free to invite friends and neighbors! No experience or music reading proficiency necessary. These sessions are intended for beginners, and there is no obligation to join or perform with our handbell choir. The clinic is completely free and open to the public, but space is limited. Registration is required, and participants must commit to all three sessions in order to master the basics. 

Please follow the link below to register. The clinic date will be listed as June 19th, but registration will include all three sessions. If the "Participants" option is full, please sign up under "Additional Participants." Additional Participants will be contacted when a second clinic is scheduled.

Piano Recital and Upcoming Performances

St. Andrews Parish UMC Piano Recital

Our Organist, Dr. Brad Parker, will perform a duet recital alongside CSU colleague Ms. Abby Phillips this Friday!

Duet Recital
Friday, May 26th at 7:00pm
St. Andrews Parish UMC

The recital is free, open to the public and will include piano duets as well as violin and piano duet works by composers such as Poulenc, Beethoven, John Williams, Aaron Copland and more. Original sacred arrangements composed by Abby Phillips will also be presented.

Piccolo Spoleto 2017

Brad will also participate in Piccolo Spoleto performances on May 29th and June 1st...

The Roaring Twenties
Monday, May 29th at 4:00pm
Bishop Gadsden on James Island

Chamber Music Concert
Thursday, June 1st at 3:00pm
Franke at Seaside in Mount Pleasant

Both of these performances are free admission... So spread the word, and visit for more low and no-cost ways to celebrate the arts! 

Relay For Life

Relay For Life of Charleston County will be hosting their annual event Friday, May 5th at TD Arena downtown. The relay will kick off at 6pm and continue through the night until 6am on the 6th.

Fundraising Efforts

We are beyond thrilled to announce that the St. Andrews Parish UMC team has raised more than $2,000 for this year's relay! Our annual Chili Cook-Off brought in a little over $300. Thank you to all who came, cooked and ate. A special congratulations goes out to first-runner up Jaime Johnson and proud victor Christine Freeman! We are already looking forward to next year's friendly competition and fierce fundraising.


But before the sun sets on this year's fundraising, please know that there is still time to contribute. A bake sale is scheduled for April 9th, and volunteers can sign up on the bulletin board outside the church office. All proceeds will benefit Relay For Life.

Guest Speakers & Special Performances

We are also pleased to announce that Pastor Brad will deliver this year's invocation, and our very own Jeremiah Treadway will be speaking at the Survivor's Dinner. The SAPUMC Praise Band will also perform at this year's event.

Pleas join the fight against cancer on May 5th! Follow Relay For Life on Facebook to learn more, and visit to sign up for the St. Andrews Parish UMC team.