A Faith-Filled Youth Retreat to Asbury Hills

This post was contributed by Cindy Curtis, Director of Youth Ministries. A recap of the Asbury Hills retreat will also be available in the December edition of our monthly newsletter, The Parish Post. 

From the fall leaves to the beautiful lodge, our Faith-Filled Retreat to Asbury Hills offered more than any of us expected. Having Pastor Megan and the North Hope Youth along with Pastor Brad and our youth made for a great weekend.

We arrived late Friday evening to the sound of the babbling creek and the chill in the air. As we settled into our home for the weekend, we played games, explored and listened to a story before bedtime as we began to embrace our Holy Spirit Power.

Saturday was filled with team building activities on the low ropes course, hiking to the mountain chapel, and free time. We participated in stations centered on the Holy Spirit and had s’mores by the fire pit.

Sunday we worshiped together with song and communion before we departed for home.

Claim Your Super Power

We learned a lot over the course of a weekend about how each of us is empowered by the Holy Spirit to do extraordinary things. Here are a few of our important take aways...

  1. We are in community as Christians with all of our many parts making a supportive whole.
  2. Jesus promised us the Holy Spirit to serve as our advocate, our friend, our wise counselor, living water, and eternal flame.
  3. The Holy Spirit has given each of us gifts. We may not know what they are yet. They come to us naturally with little effort, and we will use them to build God’s kingdom.

Get Involved 

Our youth group is open to teens of all ages, and there are many ways in which church/community members can get involved. Please email Cindy to learn more about upcoming activities and volunteer opportunities.

FAN Recipe: Flair Turkey Salad

Our FAN Committee has a healthy recipe to share! Scroll through for details, or click here to print a copy for your kitchen.

Flair Turkey Salad


7 cups of fresh turkey breast
3/4 cup celery, coarsely chopped
1/4 cup sweet relish
3/4 cup fat-free mayonnaise
1/4 cup onion, finely diced
2 large apples, coarsely chopped
1 cup red grapes
1/8 tsp ground pepper


  1. Shred or dice turkey
  2. Combine with other ingredients and mix thoroughly
  3. Chill mixture before serving

Nutrition Facts:*

Calories 105
Total Fat 9.5g
Saturated Fat 3g
Carbohydrates 7g
Fiber 1g
Protein 17g
Sodium 145 mg

*Nutrition stats are based on a single serving. Recipe makes 10 servings.

UMW Christmas Brunch

The United Methodist Women are gathering to celebrate the Christmas Season! 

Saturday, December 2nd
Trotter's Restaurant

UMW members and guests should RSVP to Miriam Hunter or Cindy Walden by November 26th. Payment is due with your reservation ($20 per lady). Please email Miriam for more information. 

Fall Bake Sale

Step away from the kitchen stove, and let the UMW help with your Thanksgiving baking! A limited number of homemade pies and sweet breads are available for pre-order. 

Thanksgiving Bake Sale

Pies - $15 each

  • Pecan
  • Cherry
  • Apple
  • Triple Berry

Sweet Breads - $6 each

  • Pumpkin
  • Cranberry Nut
  • Nut
  • Banana
  • Banana Nut
  • Orange Cranberry
  • Cranberry
  • Blueberry Tea

The UMW will accept orders in the narthex November 5th and November 12th. Flavors will be available on a first come, first serve basis. Orders will be available for pickup at the church Tuesday, November 21st. 

If you would like to place an order over the phone, please contact Letha Henry. The church office can provide Letha's number if you do not have a directory.

Bake sale proceeds will benefit missions such as the Bethlehem Centers of Columbia and Spartanburg, the Killingsworth Home in Columbia, the Wallace Family Life Center in Bennettsville, the Rural Mission on Johns Island and the UMW scholarship fund. Thank you for supporting the UMW and these worthy causes! 

ACTS 2 Trips

ACTS 2 is an adult fellowship group at St. Andrews Parish UMC. Inspired by Acts 2:46-47, the group endeavors to bring together Christians of all ages for activities, trips and service initiatives.

ACTS 2 traveled to the SC Aquarium last week and indulged in a special behind the scenes look at the sea turtle exhibit there. 

ACTS 2 will visit the Mepkin Abbey Creche Festival Thursday, November 30th. This trip is open to church members and guests, and transportation (from the church parking lot to Mepkin Abbey) will be provided. Please email Miriam Hunter to learn more!

A Vital Conversation on Race

Photo by Kathleen Barry, United Methodist Communications

Photo by Kathleen Barry, United Methodist Communications

A Vital Conversation on Race
November 5th at 4:00pm
Wesley United Methodist Church
3242 Ladson Road

The Advocacy Committee of the Charleston District of the United Methodist Church is hosting a discussion Sunday, November 5th at Wesley United Methodist Church. This discussions is intended to be a respectful, productive and honest conversation about racial tensions and the things that damage the Body of Christ.

This event is completely free and open to the public, but Wesley UMC has requested a head count to ensure that they are prepared. If you would like to join in this discussion, please email the church office to confirm interest.

"Yoga in Practice" Screening Event

yoga in practice.jpg

"Yoga in Practice" Screening Event
Thursday, October 26th at 6:00pm
St. Andrews Parish UMC
3225 Ashley River Road

SCETV is hosting a screening event at SAPUMC for a new series, Yoga in Practice. The series and screening will be led by yoga instructor Stacey Milner-Collins of Columbia, SC. Attendees will have an opportunity to preview and practice along with an episode!

Congregants and community members (ages 15 an older) are welcome to attend, but space is limited. Please click below for event details and preregistration information. 

FAN: Reduce Your Sodium Intake

Our FAN Committee has a staggering sodium statistic to share...

9 out of 10 Americans consume too much sodium.

And the sources may surprise you. Want to better understand where salt comes from and how it impacts our health? These infographics from The American Heart Association's #BreakUpWithSalt campaign may be able to help...


Click here for a printable PDF, and visit heart.org/sodium for more information.

Healthy Eating for Kids - Foods to Avoid

Click here for a printable PDF.

Learn more about the dangers of sodium and how to eat healthier at heart.org/sodium, and stay tuned for more FAN updates and recipes!