FAN Recipe: Roasted Broccoli

The FAN Committee is working hard to encourage healthy eating habits! A recipe for Roasted Broccoli with Garlic was recently published in our bulletin, and it sounds delicious. If you missed it, scroll through for the full recipe, or click here to print a copy for your kitchen

Roasted Broccoli with Garlic


1 bunch of broccoli, cut into florets, stems peeled and diced
2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
3 cloves garlic, sliced
kosher salt and freshly ground pepper


  1. Preheat oven to 450° F
  2. Toss broccoli florets with olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper
  3. Spread them out on a baking sheet, and roast, without stirring, until the edges are crisp and stems are tender (about 20 minutes)
  4. Serve warm

Nutrition Facts:

111 calories per serving
8 grams of fat
1 gram of saturated fat
10 grams of carbohydrates
5 grams of dietary fiber
5 grams of protein

FAN: Church Health Initiatives

Did you miss the FAN Kick-Off Dinner? Well there's no time like the present to learn more about FAN (Faith Activity Nutrition) initiatives at St. Andrews Parish UMC!

FAN is a faith-based program that is inspiring churches like ours to create healthier communities. As part of this program, we're encouraging church members to...

  • Become physically active at a moderate intensity (e.g., brisk walking) for at least 150 minutes per week
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables (aim for 2 cups of fruit and 3+ cups of vegetables each day)
  • Eat more whole grain foods (e.g., whole wheat pasta and breads, brown rice, etc.)
  • Eat less fat (avoid saturated and trans fats)
  • Eat less salt/sodium

Several of our Sunday school classrooms and ministry groups have adopted healthy snack/meal options, and our Thumbs Up exercise group has resumed. Thumbs Up sessions are the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Thursday of each month at 1:30pm.

If you have questions about FAN or ideas about how we can adopt healthier habits as a congregation, please contact the FAN Committee...

Healthy Recipes

The FAN Committee will be sharing tips and healthy recipes in church bulletins, newsletters and on one of our hallway bulletin boards. We will attempt to publish all recipes online as well. The FAN Kick-Off Dinner featured baked chicken, homemade barbecue sauce, cornbread and green bean casserole. Click below for printable recipes!

Barbecue Sauce

Green Bean Casserole

Moist Cornbread

Bon appetite, and stay tuned for more recipes!

Preparing for Hurricane Irma

The following message went out via email earlier this evening. If you have questions or would like to receive updates from the church office, please email  


After consulting with a few of our leaders, we have decided to cancel all church activities starting Friday, September 8th through Tuesday, September 12th. This includes Sunday morning worship, BOTH SERVICES, in order to give you enough time to evacuate ahead of Hurricane Irma. This storm seems to be dangerous for Charleston with an ever changing path. It is anticipated that evacuation orders will begin being issued tomorrow, at which time you are encouraged to leave. Please consider going to family or friends who live further inland in order to be safe. I have been in touch with a few pastors in the Upstate who have church members willing to host their Methodist friends from Charleston. Please let me know if I can help you arrange for a place to stay in the upstate as it seems like the hotels are all booking up very quickly. After the storm passes, we will let you know when we will resume office hours and normal activities at the church.

Lastly, a group will be gathering tomorrow, Friday, September 8th at 9am to prepare our space for the storm to come. We would love to have your help if you are willing and able.

Please take care, be safe, and pray that all would remain safe in this storm.

Blessings and Peace,

Pastor Brad

RiverDogs Game

Have you signed up for this Sunday's RiverDogs game? As of this morning, the church has 42 RSVPs and 28 tickets left. Please email Cindy Curtis to claim some...

The game will be this Sunday, August 20th at 5:05pm. Tickets are $7, gates open at 4:00pm, and parking is free. We will meet downtown at The Joe, and Cindy Curtis will distribute tickets near will call.

Please note that our tickets are behind the first base line (we're hoping for shade) and not in general admission. If you have children who take advantage of free admission through the Kids Club or if you purchase general admission at the gate, you may not be seated with the rest of the group.

Payment for tickets can be made to the church. Cindy will collect checks between services this Sunday, and payments can be dropped into the collection plate as well. Please clearly mark payments (envelope and/or check memo line) as "RiverDogs Tickets."

Our last trip to The Joe was tons of fun, and we look forward to continuing the tradition! 

Faith Activity Nutrition (FAN)

This post was contributed by Cindy Walden to spread the word about FAN, a faith-based program that is inspiring churches to create healthier communities. 

Moderation in All Things:
Pacing Ourselves for Lasting Health Rewards

Faith Activity Nutrition

We set resolutions to be more active, eat better and feel better. We often want to change all at once. But, if we fail to meet expectations that we set for ourselves in haste, we may give up too easily.  

The FAN program was created with that in mind. It reminds us that moderation is key! God wants us to be faithful, diligent and healthy servants.

We can all start somewhere. Whether it's gardening, walking or jogging; all activity gains health benefits. Be active at a level that is possible and enjoyable, and soon you will find that you can do more.

To learn more about FAN, visit, and please stay tuned for announcements about FAN-inspired health initiatives at SAPUMC. 

The plans of the diligent lead surely to plenty, but those of everyone who is hasty, surely to poverty.
— Proverbs 21:5

Faith in Films


Family movie night is returning to St. Andrews Parish United Methodist Church! Throughout the month of July, a movie will air each Friday at 7:00pm in the sanctuary. Movie nights are free admission and open to the public, so be sure to bring a friend!

Friday, July 7th

Friday, July 14th

Friday, July 21st
Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Friday, July 28th
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

Sunday morning sermons will relate to themes from each movie. Pastor Brad will be preaching the Faith in Films sermon series in both worship services, and the series will conclude July 30th.

Contemporary Worship Service
Sundays, 8:45am

Traditional Worship Service
Sundays, 11:15am

We hope you can join us!


Summer Bible Study

Moses: In the Footsteps of the Reluctant Prophet
June 22nd - July 27th
Thursdays at 1:30pm

Based on Adam Hamilton's book, Moses: In the Footsteps of the Reluctant Prophet  will examine Moses' entire story, from his birth through his remarkable life to his death.

Linda Kettrey will be facilitating this bible study series. Please sign up on the hall bulletin board, or contact the church office for more information.