UMW Accepting Scholarship Applications

SAPUMC United Methodist Women Charleston, SC

The SAPUMC chapter of the United Methodist Women is now accepting scholarship applications. UMW Scholarships are available to individuals who are actively pursuing post-secondary education. Interested parties should complete an application and submit it to Letha Henry by April 1, 2018.

Applicants must be members of Saint Andrews Parish United Methodist Church or an immediate family member (spouse, son, daughter or qualified dependent) of a congregation member. Applicants can be graduating seniors or high school graduates who have already been accepted into a program of further study. Students who are currently enrolled in an accredited program such as a 4-year bachelors, 2-year associates, trade certification or Master's program may also qualify. Click here to view detailed scholarship criteria. 

Click to view an editable application. Responses may be handwritten or typed. Please be sure to sign the application prior to submission. Applications may be hand delivered or emailed to Letha Henry. To request Letha's email address, please contact the church office.

Family Worship Night & Potluck

Our FAN Committee and youth group members are teaming up to host a special worship night...

FAN Potluck Dinner & Family Worship Night

Family Worship Night & FAN Potluck Dinner

Sunday, March 11th at 5:30pm

Bring a healthy dish to share.
We look forward to seeing you there!

Please join us Sunday, March 11th at 5:30pm for a family-friendly worship night and potluck dinner. Our youth will be sharing a message, and representatives from our Relay for Life team will be present with 2018 event details. Our FAN committee will also be present to announce some new "Activity" initiatives at SAPUMC, including Relay Prep Walking/Running Groups. 

Potluck Sign-Ups

In the spirit of Faith, Activity and Nutrition, our FAN committee is challenging everyone to bring a healthy dish for the potluck. The best dish (delicious and healthy) will win a prize! 

This event is completely free and open to the public, but we do ask that you RSVP in advance to indicate if you will bring a dish. You can sign-up online or at church, on the bulletin board. Hope to see you there!

Reading Through the Gospels

Lenten Discipline | St. Andrews Parish United Methodist Church

Have you accepted Pastor Brad's "Lenten Discipline" challenge? Bookmarks were distributed on Sunday, and they featured a daily Bible reading for the entirety of Lent. By following the bookmark schedule (copied below for easy reference), you will read through the Jesus Story as found in the four Gospels of the New Testament.

Each Sunday features a reading from one of the Resurrection Stories. The early church mothers and fathers considered every Sunday to be a "little Easter," a reminder that we are Resurrection People. The reading schedule also includes the Passion Narrative, Jesus’ last few days and subsequent crucifixion. As we anticipate Easter, this schedule is designed to help us discover anew the story of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Lenten Discipline 2018: Daily Bible Readings

  • Wednesday, Feb. 14th - Matthew 1-3
  • Thursday, Feb. 15th - Mark 1&2
  • Friday, Feb. 16th - Luke 1&2
  • Saturday, Feb. - John 1&2
  • Sunday, Feb. 18th - Matthew 28
  • Monday, Feb. 19th - Matthew 4-6
  • Tuesday, Feb. 20th - Mark 3&4
  • Wednesday, Feb. 21st - Luke 3&4
  • Thursday, Feb. 22nd - John 3&4
  • Friday, Feb. 23rd - Matthew 7&8
  • Saturday, Feb. 24th - Mark 5&6
  • Sunday,  Feb. 25th - Mark 16
  • Monday, Feb. 26th - Luke 5&6
  • Tuesday, Feb. 27th - John 5&6
  • Wednesday, Feb. 28th - Matthew 9-11
  • Thursday, Mar. 1st - Mark 7&8
  • Friday, Mar. 2nd - Luke 7&8
  • Saturday, Mar. 3rd - John 7-9
  • Sunday,  Mar. 4th - Luke 24
  • Monday, Mar. 5th - Matthew 12&13
  • Tuesday, Mar. 6th - Mark 9&10
  • Wednesday, Mar. 7th - Luke 9-11
  • Thursday,  Mar. 8th - John 10-12
  • Friday, Mar. 9th - Matthew 14-16
  • Saturday, Mar. 10th - Mark 11
  • Sunday,  Mar. 11th - John 20
  • Monday, Mar. 12th - Luke 12&13
  • Tuesday, Mar. 13th - Matthew 17&18
  • Wednesday, Mar. 14th - Luke 14&15
  • Thursday, Mar. 15th - Matthew 19&20
  • Friday, Mar. 16th - Luke 16&17
  • Saturday, Mar. 17th - Matthew 21&22
  • Sunday,  Mar. 18th - John 21
  • Monday, Mar. 19th - Matthew 23-25
  • Tuesday, Mar. 20th - Luke 18&19
  • Wednesday, Mar. 21st - Luke 20&21
  • Thursday, Mar. 22nd - Mark 12&13
  • Friday, Mar. 23rd - John 13&14
  • Saturday, Mar. 24th - John 15&16
  • Sunday,  Mar. 25th - John 17
  • Monday, Mar. 26th - Matthew 26
  • Tuesday, Mar. 27th - Matthew 27
  • Wednesday, Mar. 28th - Mark 14
  • Thursday, Mar. 29th - Mark 15
  • Friday, Mar. 30th - Luke 22&23
  • Saturday, Mar. 31st - John 18&19

The reading schedule begins February 14th in conjunction with Ash Wednesday. As you prepare your heart and mind for Lent, consider joining Pastor Brad for Drive Thru Ashes Wednesday morning between 7:00am and 9:00am, or join us for our traditional Ash Wednesday Service Wednesday evening at 7:00pm.

Drive Thru Ashes

Ash Wednesday is February 14th, and for the fourth year in a row, we will begin the Lenten season with Drive Thru Ashes in the church parking lot. 

Drive Thru Ashes | Ash Wednesday in Charleston

Drive Thru Ashes

February 14, 2018
St. Andrews Parish UMC
3225 Ashley River Road


Pastor Brad will have the Drive Thru open 7:00-9:00am. Please swing by on your way to work or school. Visitors will receive ashes and a quick prayer.

Can't make it to the Drive Thru? Join us for our traditional Ash Wednesday service at 7:00pm in the church sanctuary.

Youth Sponsored Date Night

Calling all parents! Our youth group is providing FREE childcare so that you can enjoy a few hours of freedom...


Date Night

Saturday, February 24th

FREE Childcare for Ages 4-10
Games, Movies & Snack Supper Provided

This initiative is just one of many ways in which our young people have chosen to embody "Fruit of the Spirit" (see the Focus on Youth section of our February newsletter for details).

A Date Night sign-up sheet is available on the church bulletin board, and interested parties can also RSVP via email...

Beginner Bell Clinic & Organist Shadowing Opportunity

Our Music Director, Lavinia Parker, and Organist, Dr. Brad Parker, want you to experience the joys of music! The following music education opportunities require no prior experience and very little commitment. Each is designed with fun in mind!

Beginner Handbell Clinic

Beginner Bell Clinic

You've heard of pumping iron, but pumping bronze is way more fun! Join us for a musical workout, and learn the basics of handbell technique and note reading. Play along with familiar tunes, try multiple bell positions and master a fun piece in just two sessions! 

January 31st & February 7th
6:30pm - 7:20pm

This clinic is completely free, and all are welcome! Please click below to RSVP. 

Assistant Organist for a Day

See what it is like to lead a worship service in song! This opportunity includes a 20 minute lesson with Lavinia and a shadowing session with Dr. Parker during an 11:15am worship service. Pull stops, play pedals, turn pages and even provide music for the service if you are so inclined.

Interested parties should register online, and Lavinia will be in touch to schedule your lesson. 

Christmas Eve Services

St. Andrews Parish UMC is hosting two candlelight services this year...

Contemporary Worship
Sunday, December 24th at 6:00pm

Traditional Worship
Sunday, December 24th at 8:00pm

Both services will feature a special message by Pastor Brad and his better half, Pastor Megan of Cokesbury UMC. The contemporary worship service will include musical selections by the SAPUMC Praise Band, and the traditional worship service will feature hymns. Both services are family friendly, and glow sticks will be available for the kids.

All are welcome, and we hope to see you there!