Friday, March 20th, 2020

Hello Church,

We are going to try and keep you up to date about everything related to the church concerning the COVID 19 virus by creating a blog. Check here for updates and we will attempt to direct our social media sites to this page. As of now, all activities at the church have been suspended until the end of March. When it is appropriate and safe, we will let you know when we can resume meeting together. For this Sunday, March 22nd, Pastor Megan and I will be preparing a message that will be posted on our YouTube Channel. There you will be able to find other videos that we are posting as well.

Thank you to all who have volunteered to help those who are in need at this time. We continue to check in with folks to make sure folks are taken care of, trying to meet whatever needs that may exist. Just as a reminder, if you are able to go out, keep a safe distance from other, wash and sanitize your hands, and try to make sure that you have enough food and medicine to last for 2 weeks.

Lastly, we know it has been a very stress-filled week. It feels like we have been doing this for a long time, but it has only been a few days. Try to take time to breathe deeply. Spend some time giving thanks for something, anything really because gratitude is helpful to the both mind, body, and spirit. And offer a prayer of protection for all of those who are on the front lines fitting this deadly virus. Much more to come soon.

Until then, blessings and peace,

Pastor Brad

The Narrative Lectionary

On Sunday the 9th, the entirety of St. Andrews Parish will begin using a new curriculum called The Narrative Lectionary. The curriculum will guide sermons, music selections and Sunday school lessons. Each week, anyone attending worship service will also leave with a bulletin insert entitled “Sharing God’s Story @ Home” which will offer an outline for a devotional time, complete with a daily reading. We will attempt to add post inserts here (see below) for those who cannot attend on Sunday

Devotional Guides: Sharing God's Story @ Home

Check back frequently. We will add a new guide each week.


Backpack Manna Update

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.
— Matthew 25:35-36

Jesus is calling us to action, and Backpack Manna is one of many ways in which our congregants and church neighbors are answering that call. The Backpack Manna ministry provides food to supplement the weekend diets of students in need at Oakland Elementary. During the 2017-2018 school year, we collected over 17,000 food items, filled 1,428 gallon bags and fed an average of 42 students each week.  

Thank you to all who made this work possible!

Backpack Manna

As summer approaches, we are already preparing to serve more students next fall. You can help with that effort by shopping for our "most-needed" items...

Horizon 2% Milk Boxes
Pop Tarts
Nutri-Grain Bars
Fruit & Applesauce Cups
Juice Boxes
Chef-Boy-R-Dee Pasta Cups
Peanut Butter Cups*
Small Cereal Boxes (Individual Servings)*

We will host a neighborhood food blast in the fall. Please stay tuned for details! Until then, food items can be dropped off at the church during office hours or before/after Sunday morning worship.

*For student safety and convenience, we only accept items that are packaged for individual consumption. We cannot accept large boxes of cereal or jars of peanut butter at this time.

Relay for Life Registration

Relay for Life is coming up soon! Have you marked your calendar?

Relay for Life
Friday, May 11, 2018
West Ashley High School

There is still time to join the SAPUMC team. Here's how...

  1. Visit to find the Charleston event.
  2. Click "Join this Relay."
  3. The Relay for Life website will prompt you to create an account with your email address. Once your account is created, click "Join a Team."
  4. Use the search field to locate our team (St. Andrews Parish UMC Love Not Fear). 

We hope that you will join us! If you have any questions, please see Deb Underwood or Hope Treadway. 

A Shower of Love for Lowcountry Orphan Relief

The United Methodist Women (UMW) of St. Andrews Parish UMC recently hosted a shower for Lowcountry Orphan Relief, and the event was an amazing success! SAPUMC, Grace UMC, Cokesbury UMC and Walmart contributed toiletries, clothing and plush animals in addition to cash donations (which totaled $242). Thank you to all who gave! 

Holy Week Schedule

Easter Egg Hunt | Cross Walk | Sunrise Easter Service Charleston, SC

Holy Week

Palm Sunday, March 25th
Contemporary Worship at 8:45am
Traditional Worship at 11:15am

Maundy Thursday Service, March 29th
Hosted by Cokesbury UMC at 7:00pm
Good Friday Cross Walk, March 30th
Meeting on the Bike Path at 8:30am
Good Friday Tenebrae Service, March 30th
The Tenebrae Service is at 8:00pm. A Prayer Vigil will begin after the Tenebrae Service and continue around the clock until Easter morning.
Easter Sunday, April 1st
Sunrise Service with Communion at 7:00am
Contemporary Worship at 8:45am
Traditional Worship at 11:15am

We are excited to join forces with Cokesbury UMC for this year's Maundy Thursday Service and Good Friday Tenebrae Service. Please note that the Maundy Thursday service will be hosted at Cokesbury (4990 Dorchester Road in North Charleston). The Tenebrae service will be hosted in our sanctuary per usual (3225 Ashley River Road). 

All Holy Week events are open to the public. Please invite friends, family members, casual acquaintances and complete strangers... We look forward to celebrating the good news together!